The following are links to some helpful resources and publications regarding attorney compensation issues, both in-house and in private practice:
- ALM and Corporate Counsel’s 2013 Law Department Compensation Benchmarking Survey [This survey covers 4,851 attorneys in 9 job categories within 188 corporate law departments.]–
- Minority Corporate Counsel of America and Navigant’s 14thAnnual General Counsel Survey for 2012 [This survey was released in September 2013 and reviews General Counsels in Fortune 1000 companies.] –
- HBR Consulting’s Law Department Survey of 2012 [This consulting company gathers data from more than 6000 attorneys across nine levels and more than 5000 non-attorney staff, including 63 CLOs. The median company surveyed had 32 attorneys worldwide and $9 billion in worldwide revenues.]–
- Equilar, Inc.’s 2012 In-Depth Top General Counsel Report [This compensation research company surveys more than 1/3 of Fortune 1000 companies across a variety of industries. The survey respondents include 404 General Counsels.] –
- National Association of Law Placement’s “Buying Power Index Class of 2011,” January 2013 [This chart uses cost of living information from The Council for Community & Economic Research and NALP’s data on the median private practice salaries in each city to determine the true local value of that city’s median salary.]
– - National Association of Women Lawyers’ 2012 Report on the Seventh Annual National Survey on Retention and Promotion of Women in Law Firms [This report evaluates the status of women attorneys in AmLaw 200 firms in the areas of leadership positions and compensation.]
– - American Bar Association’s From Visible Invisibility to Visibly Successful: Success Strategies for Law Firms and Women of Color and Visible Invisibility: Women of Color in Fortune 500 Law Firms [These publications of the ABA’s Women of Color Research Initiative examine the dynamics of women of color in law firms and in-house at Fortune 500 companies with over 1,000 survey respondents.]– see publications from the Commission on Women in the Profession –
- Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People, by Mazhzarin R. Banaji and Anthony Greenwald, 2013 –
- ALM and MLA’s Partner Compensation Survey, 2012 [survey sent to ~75,000 major law firm partners, ~ 2,200 respondents] –
- ABA Presidential Task Force on Gender Equity and the Commission on Women in the Profession’s What You Need to Know About Negotiating Compensation, 2013 –
- Edge International’s Partner Compensation Systems in Professional Service Firms Part I and Part II, 2013 –
- Vault and MCCA’s 10th Annual Law Firm Diversity Survey, 2013 –
- Valuing Diversity, by David B. Wilkins of Harvard Law, as published in Managing the Modern Law Firm, edited by Laura Empson –