We at HR Legal Search appreciate those of you who have offered your support during these historic times. As you may know, we are a Black- and woman- owned legal search firm – one of only a handful in the United States – and these past weeks have been both challenging and inspiring. As we…
The Women’s Leadership Summit
News & Events | May 21, 2019
Kathy Richardson has been invited to speak at the The Women’s Leadership Summit (WLS) – a two day personal and professional development program presented by the University of North Texas Dallas Foundation. It is being held on June 14-15, 2019 at The Statler Hotelhttps://www.wlsummit.org/events/wls-2019 . Kathy, along with Vicki Blanton and Tracy Preston (moderator) will…
HRLS Celebrates 10 Years as a Company – Thank You!
News & Events | November 17, 2016
HR Legal Search turned ten in 2016! To celebrate our 10th anniversary and say thank you to our clients, candidates, and friends, we held a Gratitude Party on November 16, 2016. It was a wonderful evening and we appreciate everyone who attended and celebrated with us. Thank you to Nightcap for letting us take over…